
How to Choose the Right Filtration for Industrial Processes

Many industrial processes rely on filtration systems to remove contaminants and create high-quality products. Selecting the right industrial equipment is difficult since multiple factors must be considered. Discover the factors to look for when selecting industrial equipment.

What Are Industrial Liquid Filters?

Filtration is crucial in removing unwanted particles and microorganisms from the fluids used in industrial processes. The challenge is usually to achieve the best quality standards while optimising cost, reducing waste and maintaining the safety of operators. Hence, industries use filter equipment with consumable cartridges. Industrial filters are constructed from different materials and can filter any solid contaminant. All industrial filters have a micron rating that determines the size of particles that will be filtered.

Depending on the industrial filter design, contaminants can be captured outside or inside the filter element. As the filter captures particles, the differential pressure increases gradually. Once the pressure reaches a defined level, you need to replace or regenerate the filter to prevent flow restriction.

The Risks of Using the Wrong Filtration Equipment

With numerous filtration methods and filter cartridges, choosing the ideal filtration equipment can be complex. However, if the filter cartridges are incompatible with your industrial processes or wrongly sized, they can cause problems in the industrial application. For instance, if the filter cartridge is incompatible with the filter housing, it can increase the risk of contamination, downtime and breakdown of equipment. The downsides have an impact on your bottom line. Hence, it is crucial to match the unique requirements of the industrial processes with the ideal filter type. You should also regularly replace the filters to maintain the quality of the products.

What to Consider in a Filtration System

Choosing a filtration system can be challenging since you have many factors to consider. Some of the factors to keep in mind include the following:

Particle Size

What is the size of the particles you are filtering out? When selecting a filtration system, particle size is an important consideration. Since filter sizes are determined by microns, you need to determine the particles you are filtering out and the industry standards you must follow. When you know the microns required, you can narrow down the best filter for your needs. When your system requires a 50-micron filter, you can get a 25-micron filter to be safe. However, it is essential to note that a filter with a smaller micron rating gets clogged faster.

Operating Conditions

The pressure, temperature and operating conditions play a major role in choosing the best filtration system. For instance, if your industrial processes have a high temperature, it is advisable to get metal filter equipment instead of plastic filters. The pressure limitations of your filter also determine the type to buy. The filter should be able to withstand the pressure of the filtration system. You can extend the replacement and regeneration period when you size the filter correctly.

Physical Configuration of the Housing

The housing of filtration systems comes in diverse shapes and sizes, and you can choose from reverse osmosis systems to cartridge filters and multi-bag systems. If you have a small space for the filtration system, the multi-bag system is ideal since it’s small. When choosing filter equipment, you should also determine if you want a manual or self-cleaning system. Self-cleaning filters can be costly, but they save you money in the long run.


As you select industrial filtration equipment, you need to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of a filter medium. In highly regulated industries like food and beverage and pharmaceutical, the stringent regulatory requirements can help you choose the ideal filter. However, taking a holistic approach and considering all the above factors is essential when picking a filter.

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